Enquête appréciative
1. Articles scientifiques
Berrisford, S. (2005). Using Appreciative Inquiry to drive change at the BBC. Strategic Communication Management, 9(3), 22-25.
Bright, D. S., Cooperrider, D. L., & Galloway, W. B. (2006). Appreciative inquiry in the Office of Research and Development: Improving the collaborative capacity of organization. Public Performance & Management Review, 29(3), 285-306. https://doi.org/10.2753/PMR1530-9576290303
Bushe, G. R. (1995). Advances in appreciative inquiry as an organization development intervention. Organization Development Journal, 13, 14-22.
Bushe, G. R., & Coetzer, G. (1995). Appreciative inquiry as a team development intervention: A controlled experiment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 31(1), 13–30. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886395311004
Bushe, G. R., & Kassam, A. F. (2005). When is appreciative inquiry transformational? A meta-case analysis. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(2), 161–181. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886304270337
Bushe, G. R., & Paranjpey, N. (2015). Comparing the generativity of problem solving and appreciative inquiry: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51(3), 309–335. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886314562001
Clarke, M., & Thornton, J. (2014). Using appreciative inquiry to explore the potential of enhanced practice education opportunities. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(9), 475-478. https://doi.org/10.4276/030802214X14098207541153
Conkright, T. A. (2011). Improving performance and organization value through a virtual appreciative inquiry summit. Performance Improvement, 50(6), 31-37. https://doi.org/10.1002/pfi.20224
Finegold, M. A., Holland, B. M., & Lingham, T. (2002). Appreciative inquiry and public dialogue: An approach to community change. Public Organization Review, 2(3), 235-252. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1020292413486
Martinetz, C. F. (2002). Appreciative inquiry as an organizational development tool. Performance Improvement, 41(8), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.1002/pfi.4140410809
Maxton, P. J., & Bushe, G. R. (2018). Individual Cognitive Effort and Cognitive Transition During Organization Development. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 54(4), 424–456. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886318795391
Peelle III, H. E. (2006). Appreciative inquiry and creative problem solving in cross-functional teams. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 42(4), 447-467. https://doi.org/10.1177/002188630629247
Powley, E. H., Fry, R. E., Barrett, F. J., & Bright, D. S. (2004). Dialogic democracy meets command and control: Transformation through the appreciative inquiry summit. The Academy of Management Executive, 18(3), 67-80. https://doi.org/10.5465/ame.2004.14776170
Ridley-Duff, R. J., & Duncan, G. (2015). What is critical appreciation? Insights from studying the critical turn in an appreciative inquiry. Human Relations, 68(10), 1579-1599. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726714561698
Ruhe, M. C., Bobiak, S. N., Litaker, D., Carter, C. A., Wu, L., Schroeder, C., Zyzanski, S. J., Weyer, S. M., Werner, J. J., Fry, R. E., & Stange, K. C. (2011). Appreciative Inquiry for quality improvement in primary care practices. Quality management in health care, 20(1), 37–48. https://doi.org/10.1097/QMH.0b013e31820311be
Verleysen, B., Lambrechts, F., & Van Acker, F. (2015). Building psychological capital with appreciative inquiry: Investigating the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51(1), 10–35. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886314540209
2. Articles professionnels
Bushe, G. (2012). Feature choice by Gervase Bushe Foundations of Appreciative Inquiry: History, criticism and potential. AI Practitioner, 14(1), 8-20.
Cooperrider, D., & Godwin, L. (2015). Elevation-and-Change: An Eight-Step Platform for Leading P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E Change. AI Practitioner, 17(3), 7-17. https://doi.org/10.12781/978-1-907549-24-3-2
Egan, T. M., & Lancaster, C. M. (2005). Comparing appreciative inquiry to action research: OD practitioner perspectives. Organization Development Journal, 23(2), 29-49.
3. Livres
Livres scientifiques collectifs
Chapitres de livres (livres scientifiques collectifs)
Bushe, G. R. (2013), Generative process, generative outcome: The transformational potential of appreciative inquiry. Dans D.L. Cooperrider, D.P. Zandee, L.N. Godwin, M. Avital & B. Boland (Éds.) Organizational Generativity: The Appreciative Inquiry Summit and a Scholarship of Transformation (pp. 89‐113). Emerald Press. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1475-9152(2013)0000004003
Cooperrider, D. L., & Srivastva, S. (1987). Appreciative inquiry in organizational life. Dans R. W. Woodman & W. A. Pasmore (Éds.), Research in organizational change and development: An annual series featuring advances in theory, methodology and research (pp. 129–169). Elsevier Science/JAI Press.
Miglianico, M., & Dubreuil, P. (2020). Approche appréciative et éducation : Un nouveau paradigme de changement. Dans N. Goyette & S. Martineau (Éds.), Le bien-être en enseignement : Tensions entre espoirs et déceptions (pp. 25-41). Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Miglianico, M., Dubreuil, P., Miquelon, P., & Martin-Krumm, C. (2021). L’Appreciative Inquiry : une technique d’accompagnement qui donne vie aux entreprises ? Dans C. Martin-Krumm & C. Tarquinio (Éds.), Grand manuel de la psychologie positive : Fondements, théories et champs d’intervention (pp. 539-554). Dunod.
Whitney, D. (2004). Appreciative inquiry and the elevation of organizational consciousness. Dans D. L. Cooperrider & M. Avital (Éds.) Constructive Discourse and Human Organization (pp. 125-145). Emerald Group Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1475-9152(04)01006-3
Whitney, D. (2007). Designing organizations as if life matters: Principles of appreciative organizing. Dans M. Avital, R. J. Boland, & D. Cooperrider (Éds.) Designing Information and Organizations with a Positive Lens (pp. 329-363). Emerald Group Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1475-9152(07)00216-5
Livres professionnels
En français
Barralis, J. C., & Proust, S. (2021). Le Grand Livre de l’Appreciative Inquiry: Concepts, méthodes et applications. InterEditions.
Cooperrider, D., & Whitney, D. (2019). L’Appreciative Inquiry: Une révolution positive. InterEditions.
Lustig, C., Shaked, D., & Tollec, B. (2019). AI5 : Comment déployer la pleine puissance de l’Appreciative Inquiry. AI5 Publishing.
Pagès, J. (2007). Le coaching avec la méthode Appreciative Inquiry. Eyrolles-Editions d’organisation
Pagès, J. (2014). Le coaching avec la méthode Appreciative Inquiry : Conduire le changement en s’appuyant sur les réussites. Eyrolles.
Pagès, J. (2021). Coacher avec l’Appreciative Inquiry: Conduire le changement en s’appuyant sur les réussites. Eyrolles.
Radal, M. (2020). L’Entreprise appréciative: 4 piliers pour donner l’envie de la performance. InterEditions.
Whitney, D. (2019). Pratique de l’Appreciative Inquiry dans les établissements de santé. InterEditions.
En anglais
Adams, M. (2016). Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Results. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Brun, P. H., Cooperrider, D., & Ejsing, M. (2016). Strengths-Based Leadership Handbook. Crown Custom Publishing.
Stavros, J. M., & Torres, C. (2018). Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Whitney, D., Cooperrider, D., Trosten-Bloom,A., & Kaplin, B.S. (2014). Encyclopedia of Positive Questions (2 ed.). Crown Custom Publishing.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, A., & Rader, K. (2010). Appreciative leadership: Focus on what works to drive winning performance and build a thriving organization. McGraw Hill Professional.
Whitney, D., & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2010). The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Pour initier collègues et clients à l’approche de l’enquête appréciative
Cooperrider, D., & Whitney, D. (2019). L’Appreciative Inquiry: Une révolution positive. InterEditions.
Cooperrider, D., & Whitney, D. (1999). Appreciative Inquiry. Berrett-Koehler Communications.
Hammond, S. A. (1996). The Thin Book on Appreciative Inquiry. Thin Book Publishing Co.
Hammond, S. A. (1996). Le petit livre de l’enquête appréciative. Thin Book Publishing Co.
De la théorie et la pratique AEA
Anderson, H., Cooperrider, D., Gergen, K. J., McNamee, M., Magruder, S., Watkins, J. & Whitney, D. (2008). The Appreciative Organization (revised ed.). Taos Institute Publication.
Cooperrider, D., & Whitney, D. (2005). Appreciative Inquiry – A Positive Revolution in Change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Cooperrider, D., Whitney, D., & Stavros J. M. (2008). Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: for Leaders of Change (2 ed.). Lakeshore Publishers.
Cooperrider, D., Sorensen J. R., Peter F., Whitney, D. & and Yaeger, T. F. (2000) Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organisation Toward a Positive Theory of Change. Stipes Publishing,
Élie, P-C. (2007). Dynamiser l’organisation avec la démarche appréciative. Les éditions Transcontinental.
Hammond, S. A. & Royal, C. (1998). Lessons from the Field: Applying Appreciative Inquiry. Practical Press.
Hoogendijk, C. (2015). Appreciative Inquiries of the 3.0 Kind: How do we connect, share and co-create for tomorrow’s human wholeness? Society 3.0 Foundation.
Laszlo, C., Brown, J., Ehrenfeld, J., Gorham, M., Barros Pose, I., Robson, L., Saillant, R. & Sherman, D. (2014). Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business. Stanford Business Book.
Lustig, C., Shaked, D., & Tollec, B. (2019). AI5 : Comment déployer la pleine puissance de l’Appreciative Inquiry. AI5 Publishing.
Watkins, J. Magruder, M. & Bernard J. (2001). Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination. Pfeiffer.
Whitney, D. (2019). Pratique de l’Appreciative Inquiry dans les établissements de santé. InterEditions.
Des questions appréciatives
Adams, M. (2016). Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Results. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Cooperrider D. D., Hetzel S. J., Mann, A. J. & Whitney, D. (2008). Positive Family Dynamics, Appreciative Inquiry Questions to Bring out the Best in Families. Taos Institute Publication.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, A., Cherney, J. & Fry, R. (2004). Appreciative Teambuilding: Positive Questions to Bring Out the Best of Your Team. I-Universe.
Du « storytelling » appréciatif et visual
Brown, J. S., Denning, S., Groh, D. & Prusak, L. (2011). Storytelling in Organizations: Why Storytelling is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management. Rutledge.
Denning, S. (2005). The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative. Jossey Bass.
Rhode, M. (2012). The Sketch Note Handbook: the illustrated guide to visual note taking. Peachpit Press.
Roam, D. (2010). The Back of the Napkin. Portfolio.
Smith, P. (2012). Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narrative that Captivate, Convince and Inspire. Amacom.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, A., Cherney, J. & Fry, R. (2004). Appreciative Teambuilding Positive Questions to Bring Out the Best of Your Team. I-Universe.
Du design et du prototypage rapide
Kumar, V. (2013). 101 Design Methods: A structured Approach for Driving Innovation. John Wiley & Sons.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation. John Wiley & Sons.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. & Papadakos T. (2014). Value Proposition Design. John Wiley & Sons.
Du discernement
Falque, L. & Bougon, B. (2013). Pratiques de la décision : Développer ses capacités de discernement. Dunod.
Henry, S. (2012). Quand les décideurs s’inspirent des moines : 9 principes pour donner du sens à votre action. Dunod.
Noguer, S-N. (2018). Donnez du sens à vos décisions : 7 clés pour discerner et faire les bons choix. Eyrolles.
Du dialogue et du constructionnisme / constructivisme
Ades, K. (2008). What you Focus on Grows: Stories for Your Frame of Mind. Editions Lulu.
Gergen, K. J. & Gergen, M. (2004). Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue. Taos Institute Publication.
Isaacs, W. (2008). Dialogue: The Art of Thinking Together. Random House.
Mille Bojer, M., Roehl, H., Knuth, M. & Magner, C. (2008). Mapping Dialogue, Essential Tools for Social Change. Taos Institute Publication.
Monk, G. & Winslade, J. (2013). When Stories Clash: Addressing Conflict with Narrative Mediation. Taos Institute Publication.
De l’AEA et la gestion du changement
Monk, G. & Winslade, J. (2013). When Stories Clash: Addressing Conflict with Narrative Mediation. Taos Institute Publication.
Holman, P. and Devane, T. (1999). The Change Handbook. Berrett-Koehler.
Lewis, S., Passmore, J. & Cantore, S. (2011). Apppreciative Inquiry for Change Management. Kogan Page.
De l’AEA, l’accompagnement d’équipe et la collaboration
Barrett, F. J. & Fry, R. E. (2005). Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative Capacity. Taos Institute Publication.
Stratton-Berkessel, R. (2010). Appreciative Inquiry for Collaborative Solution: 21 Strength-Based Workshop. Pfeiffer.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, A., Cherney, J. & Fry, R. (2004). Appreciative Teambuilding: Positive Questions to Bring Out the Best of Your Team. I-Universe
De la planification stratégique et l’AEA
Ades, K. (2012). Ready, Aim, Soar. Expert Insight Publishing.
Stavros, J. M. & Hinrichs, G. (2009). The Thin Book of SOAR: Building Strengths-Based Strategy. Thin Book Publishing Co.
Des sommets EA
Cooperrider, D. & McQuaid, M. (2018). Your Change Blueprint: How to Design & Deliver AI Summit. Kindle Edition.
Ludema, J., Whitney, D. Mohr, B. & Griffin, T. (2003). The Appreciative Inquiry Summit – A Practitioner’s Guide for Leading Large-Group Change. Berrett-Koehler Publisher.
Du leadership et du coaching appréciatifs
Crane, T. G. & Patrick L. N. (2007). The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High-performance Coaching Culture. FTA Press.
Dewulf, L. (2012). Go With your Talent. Lannoo Campus.
Dutton, J. E. & Spreitzer G. M. (2014). How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact. Berrett-Koehler Publisher.
Hersted, L. & and Gergen, K. J. (2013). Relational Leading, Practices for Dialogically Based Collaboration. Taos Institute Publication.
Orem, S. L., Binkert, J. & Clancy A. L. (2007). Appreciative Coaching. Jossey Bass.
Schiller, M., Holland, B. M. Riley, D. (2010). Appreciative Leaders: In the Eye of the Beholder. Taos Institute Publication.
Subirana, M. (2016). Flourishing Together: Guide To Appreciative Inquiry Coaching. O-Books.
Whitney, D., Trosten-Bloom, A. & and Rader, K. (2010). Appreciative Leadership. McGraw Hill.
De l’AEA dans le domaine de l’éducation
Cockell, J. & McArthur-Blair, J. (2012). Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education. John Wiley & Sons.
Dole, D., Moehle, M. & Godwin, L. (2014). Exceeding expectations: An Anthology of Appreciative Inquiry Stories in Education from Around the World. Taos Institute Publications.
Journal of Appreciative Education [UNC Greensboro]: https://libjournal.uncg.edu/index.php/jae
De l’AEA, l’amélioration continue et l’évaluation
Preskill H. & and Catsambas T. T. (2006). Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry. Sage Publications.
Shaked, D. (2014). Strength-based Lean Six Sigma, Building positive and engaging business improvement. Kogan Page.
De l’apprentissage et du partage des connaissances
Ricketts, M. & Willis, J. (2001). Experience AI: A Practitioner’s Guide to Integrating Appreciative Inquiry and Experiential Learning. Taos Institute Publication.
Thatchenkerry, T. J. (2004). Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge: Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change. Taos Institute Publication.
Thatchenkerry, T. J. & Metzker, C. (2006). Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Des relations au quotidien : avec soi et avec les autres
Cooperrider D. D., Hetzel S. J., Mann, A. J. & Whitney, D. (2008). Positive Family Dynamics, Appreciative Inquiry Questions to Bring out the Best in Families. Taos Institute Publication.
Kelm, J. (2008). The Joy of Appreciative Living. Penguin Group.
Kelm, J. (2017). La joie: comment la vivre au quotidien, Découvrez les principes de la démarche appréciative. Le souffle d’or.
Slack, T. (2012). Food for Thought, A journal for Appreciating Daily Life. Wordscapes.
Slack, T. (2018). Reflections, Realizing the power of Appreciative Inquiry: An appreciative Inquiry Journal and Practical Resource Book. Wordscapes.
Stavros, J. M. & Torres, C. B. (2005). Dynamic Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Daily Living. Taos Institute Publication.
4. Vidéos et capsules
Marine Miglianico – Présentation de thèse doctorale auprès de la Communauté de pratique francophone de l’enquête appréciative
Ron Fry et Gervase Bushe – Going beyond the Positive for Transformational Change
Denis Rabeau – La démarche Appréciative Inquiry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDnOBNMlpk8
Jon Townsin – Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry France – La puissance transformationnelle de l’Appreciative Inquiry
Institut Français d’Appreciative Inquiry – Conférence de Ron Fry co-créateur de l’AI et Jean Pagès de l’IFAI
Tech Valley Infrastructure – Facilitator: David Cooperrider, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University – Digital Futures 2020: Ron Fry
5. Autres
Bushe, G. Appreciative Inquiry. GervaseBushe.ca. http://www.gervasebushe.ca/appinq.htm